6 Checking 372733173261005 00 EXACT MATCH(Y)|Amount2.19 P - eto chitaetsa tak -
EXACT MATCH - adres i zip sovpadaet
$2.19 - avtorizuemaya summa, t.e. ne snimaetsa, a proveryaetsa - mozhno li seichas proplatit' stolko to
P - CVV ne proveryalsa
esli M - to CVV sovpadaet
a voobshe
Message Codes
00-Approved (Success)
10-Approval for partial amount (Call auth. center)
11-Approved VIP (Call auth. center)
01-Refer to Card Issuer (Call auth. center)
02-Refer to Card Issuer, special condition (Call auth. center)
04-Pick up card (Pickup card, call auth center)
05-Do not honor (Reject transaction)
06-Error (Call auth. center)
07-Pick up card, special condition (pickup card, call auth.center)
12-Invalid Transaction (Call auth. center)
14-Invalid card number (Wrong card #)
41-Lost card Pick up (Lost card - pick up, call auth.center)
43-Stolen card Pick up (Stolen card - pick up, call auth.center)
51-Not sufficient funds (not enough funds on card)
52-No checking account (Reject)
53-No savings account (Reject)
54-Expired card
57-Transaction not allowed for cardholder (Reject)
62-Restricted card
63-Security violation (Call auth. center)
65-Activity count limit exceeded (Reject)
78-No account (Call auth. center)
80-Invalid transaction date (Call auth. center)
91-Issuer unavailable (Issuing bank unavailable)
93-Transaction violates law (Transaction break laws)
EA-Account Length Error
EB-Wrong CC Number
N7-CVV2 Mismatch
03-Invalid Merchant ID (Checker Is Down)
AVS Check
NO MATCH (N)-Address Street And Zip Code Is No Match
ZIP MATCH (Z)-Zip Code Is Mach Address Street Is Not Mach
ADDRESS MATCH (A)- Address Street Is Match Zip Is No Match
EXACT MATCH (Y)- Street And Zip Match
(F)-Street And Zip Match (UK CC)
VER UNAVAILABLE (G)-AVS Is Not Supported, Not US Card
VER UNAVAILABLE (C)-AVS Is Not Supported, Not US Card
VER UNAVAILABLE (D)-AVS Is Not Supported, Not US Card
CVV Check
M-CVV Is Match
N-CVV Is No Match
P-CVV Did't Checked
U-Check Of CVV Is No Supported By Bank
c.HZ kto )